No app icon. Impossible to use for directions, only wants to highlight stores. Mapquest very intuitive. Straight forward where to start, where to finish. Google should dedicate a app solely for directions. Google Maps is an example of total incomplete. Oh, we're to sophisticated to be "simple to use". In Google Maps how bout a "directions" button. I'll repeat for the sophisticated morons. A "DIRECTIONS" BUTTON !!!
45 people found this review helpful

Rhea Kelly
When I downloaded this and tried it the first time in my house, it worked fine. But the two times I tried it when I was out on the road, the Navigate in App was not even showing in Maps Go even though the Google Play Store was showing that it was installed on my smartphone! So Maps Go, to me, is worthless if I can't hear the audio giving me directions because I don't like having to continually look down at my smartphone when I am driving.
1,232 people found this review helpful

Clown Princess of Fear
Wish this would stop coming pre-installed on phones. WORST. APP. IN EXISTENCE. I have been using this app for a little over a year and I can easily say it needs a COMPLETE overhaul. My husband has the IOS version of this while I use the android version and we have both agreed, this app has lost its shine. Whenever we go to hit "get directions" from any browser it will launch the play store and never allow the app to start its navigation. It actually hasn't worked properly in almost 3 years.
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